KANDAHAR: In near simultaneous ambushes in the early hours of Monday, gunmen stormed two police posts in the northwest and south, killing 16 policemen, the Afghan interior ministry said.
“Eight police were martyred in a terrorist attack in the province of Baghlan... eight police were martyred in another terrorist attack in the province of Helmand,” it said in a statement. But a local official blamed the attack in the Helmand province on three renegade policemen, who turned their guns on colleagues — the latest in a string of similar attacks.
“Three of them were involved in the plot. They fired at their police colleagues killing seven. One of the three grabbed weapons and a police vehicle and managed to escape to the Taliban,” provincial spokesman Daud Ahmadi said. The other attack on Monday saw militants ambush a police post on a highway. Baghlan Governor Muhammad Akbar Barakzai blamed the attack on the Hezb-e-Islami.
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